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The CMMC Academy, powered by Celerium, delivers tangible, FREE CMMC 2.0 benefits. Its services, experts and content help prepare your business to do business with the Department of Defense. 


Become what you need to be for CMMC!

Now that you are an academy member, you can: 

  1. Tap into our cybersecurity experts by emailing your general questions on CMMC 2.0 and NIST 800-171 to our hotline.
  2. Access our online reference guide and tools that help you navigate and implement the required frameworks.
  3. Stay current on the latest CMMC news by reading our monthly newsletter with all the top stories researched and curated for you.
  4. Prepare for CMMC certification productively by using our CMMC Insights Courses.
As a member of the CMMC Academy, you enjoy these benefits and more.

CMMC 2.0 Level 1 &
NIST 800-171 Course

CMMC2.0&NIST - Level 1 - white


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Interested in purchasing more than 1 course?
Contact us: info@cmmc.academy

CMMC 2.0 Level 2 &
NIST 800-171 Course

CMMC2.0&NIST - Level 2 - white


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Interested in purchasing more than 1 course?
Contact us: info@cmmc.academy

Use our courses. Prepare efficiently and completely! 

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